Blog by Melissa and David Sokulski, L.Acs.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Simplify Sunday

Today we went through all our book shelves for a good clear out. Away with the old to make way for the new. We will take them down to Half Price Books later today.
Plus, a whole box of books to take to the office. Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain, Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica by Kent, Treating Epilepsy Naturally by Patricia A. Murphy and Grasping the Wind, An exploration into the meaning of Chinese acupuncture point names, to name a few. These will all be added to our library at the Birch Center for people to peruse when they visit us. Soon we will have a system in place (and regular visiting hours) to allow people to read, check our books out and take them home.
Some other books we we found on our shelves which will enjoy a new life at the Birch Center library:
Healers on Healing, with essays by Ram Dass, Larry Dossey, Shakti Gawain and Ted Kaptchuk (to name a only a few), and Bill Moyers Healing and the Mind, with essays by Dean Ornish, Jon Kabat-Zinn and Candace Pert. Such great resources are doing no good gathering dust on our bookshelves at home! I love the spirit of libraries. Free access to information for everyone.

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