10+ of my favorite books. May they lead you to enlightenment, well being, and joy!
- Meditation, An Eight Point Program
by Eknath Easwaran. I had been looking for this book ever since I read another book by Easwaran: Gandhi the Man.
I love this author and the Meditation book did not disappoint. And now I am reading The Bhagavad Gita (on Easwaran's recommendation.) I'm reading Eliot Deutsch's translation
...but Easwaran also has a translation of the The Bhagavad Gita
and his three volume The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living.
- No Death, No Fear
by Thich Nhat Hanh. Here is another author I can't get enough of.
- Green for Life
by Victoria Boutenko. Green Smoothies! She also wrote Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening,
which is a definite page-turner about how she and her family regained their health (the four family members had: mom - obesity and heart disease, dad - crippling arthritis, sister - asthma and brother - type 1 Diabetes). After research and soul searching she threw away all the cooked food and filled the house with fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and it is incredible how they all healed!
- The Simple Living Guide
by Janet Luhrs. This is such an inspiring book, and turned me on to Cob building, money saving principles from the book Your Money or Your Life
by Joe Dominguez, as well as many other things.
- The Power of Now
and A New Earth
by Eckhart Tolle. Did you see the 10 part interview Oprah did with Tolle (online) about the book A New Earth? It was amazing. You can download it for free at Oprah.com.
- The Anastasia books. These are a nine book series, written by a Russian author about a young recluse from the Siberian wilderness who lives off the earth and has amazing innate abilities - to see, heal, understand.
- Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition
by Paul Pitchford. Still my favorite go to handbook on all things nutrition, especially in that it has an Asian medicine perspective.
- The Web That Has No Weaver : Understanding Chinese Medicine
by Ted Kaptchuk. If you are interested in Chinese Medicine, I still think this is the first place to turn.
- For raw food preparation, my favorites are Ani's Raw Food Kitchen
by Ani Phyo and RAWvolution: Gourmet Living Cuisine
by Matt Amsden.
- Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide
by Thomas Elias and Peter Dykeman is my favorite book when I'm out foraging.
- I need to add just one more. The Contrary Farmer
by Gene Logsdon. And while I'm on the topic of back-to-the-land and grow-your-own-food, check out Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
by Barbara Kingsolver. I loved both these books.
Green for Life is fantastic! I'm a huge fan of green smoothies - they're full of nutrition and taste so good :)
Cheers and Happy Holidays,
Thanks for the list!
I just put in library requests for several of them. I'm especially looking forward to reading The Web that has no Weaver. Wonderful to start the new year with a good read.
Your list led me to Paul Pitchford. Thank you for this excellent resource. I did his gallbladder cleanse w/apples, and it was refreshing.
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