It's called Rawkathon, put together by Kevin Gianni (who did Raw Summit a year ago.) Rawkathon consists of one-on-one VIDEO interviews with 15 of the best known raw and living food pioneers, and they'll be broadcast for us all to watch or listen to in a few short weeks, starting on October the 19th.
If you are interested in signing up or getting more information, you can sign up for free here.
Here is a list of who will be interviewed:
- Matt Monarch ~ A Candid Look into the Life of a Raw Foodist
- Dr. Gabriel Cousens ~ How to Heal your Body and Transform your consciousness with raw and living foods
- Victoria Boutenko ~ Simple Ways to Transform your Diet and Stay Raw
- Dr. Doug Graham ~ Key Elements to Optimal Health
- David Wolfe ~ Superfoods to Regenerate, Rebuild and Reenergize your body
- Mike Adams ~ Cut through the media hype to get and stay healthy
- Viktoras Kulvinskas ~ Overcoming Obstacles to Reach Your Health and Wellness Goals
- Nomi Shannon ~ Cleansing Lessons
- Raw Food Chef Cherie Soria ~ how to Raw-food-ize your kitchen
- David Rainoshek ~ Why People fail on raw and vegan and how to ultimately succeed
- Frederic Patenaude ~ Real Life Experiences and how to deal with falling off the plan
- Rick Dina ~ The Science behind Why raw food works
- Karen Knowler ~ How to transition from cooked to raw
- Jameth Sheriden ~ Quality Raw food health products
- Happy Oasis ~ Tribal Experiences from around the world.
Be part of this amazing event...all at no cost! Sign up today, it starts October 19!
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