Lots of stuff has been coming up around the 'burgh, and we are out taking pictures, harvesting, and making yummy wild things!
We document all we do with wild plants on our sister website, Food Under Foot.
Here are some highlights from this past week:
We walked around Hartwood Acres and spotted lots of garlic mustard popping up out of the ground.
We went to Frick Park to harvest some garlic mustard. I took it home and made a horseradish-like condiment from the roots. You can find the recipe and how-to here.
Today, we harvested a bunch of nettles (my fingers are still buzzing from nettles stings!) I've had a couple green smoothies and the rest is in the dehydrator. There's no post for that up yet, but there are pictures on our new facebook page!
If you're on facebook, please become a fan of Food Under Foot!
Have a great weekend and happy harvesting.
Let us know what you find.
Thanks so much,
~ Melissa and David Sokulski
Licensed Acupuncturists
The Birch Center for Health
(412) 381-0116
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